Please download the registration form here (not available yet), complete it in Word, rename the file with your name first (as in "B Franklin Pain registration") and email it to: [email protected]
(please don't send as a pdf). N.B. There is negligible risk in sending the credit card details by email. We have never had a problem. But if you prefer, you can include all information on the registration form except the last 4 numbers of the card number and then leave a phone message with your name and the last 4 numbers at our US office message service (+1 678-870-4402). All participants pay the registration fee and the costs of attending as this is an unsponsored and open meeting. Pre-doctoral students will be subsidized with a reduced registration fee. Please note that you do not need to present data to attend. Just register and join us... The registration fee covers all Conference activities including two coffee breaks per day, A Welcome event on Sunday, and a group dinner on any of the other evenings of the conference. Bank transfer: We are desperately trying to avoid bank transfers because they are expensive (usually three bank fees involved) and typically take weeks or months to come through, which requires multiple follow-ups. As credit cards involve virtually no risk (we don't ask for a security code), please use a credit card. If that is not possible, please request an invoice for a bank transfer (there will be an additional fee to cover bank charges). Deadlines: there are no deadlines although we anticipate having to limit the number of attendees at some point. Academic, post-doctoral USD $ 750 Pre-doctoral Student USD $ 500 Industry USD $ 1500 Please note that in this disturbingly unpredictable century, any number of events (war, pandemic, weather, floods, volcanoes, and things we don't even want to think about) could disrupt travel and prevent us, at the last minute, from holding the Conference. Please register with the understanding that Conference funds must be committed before the Conference and that no registration fees can be refunded after 31 March, 2024 regardless of world or personal events. You are strongly advised to either cancel your participation before 31 March and receive a refund, or purchase travel insurance that would reimburse your expenses if events beyond your control or our control prevent your in-person participation. |